This flag was carried by us at the Jefferson reenactment and also at
Wilson Creek in June of 2000. The flag is double sided with the Irish
harp on one side with a the 1st National on the Reverse side. The stars
number 15 that counts all slave holding states in the union.
Alabama Reproduction

flag was carried by the 9th at the 135th Gettysburg. Lt. Tom Stuart's
ancestor was in that unit. We carried this flag on the Friday battle and
Pickett's charge as did the 13th.
of Battle Damaged U.S. Regimental Flag |

Flag is damaged to show the bitterness of war and battle. This flag
shows the 9th Missouri. Since I was unable to locate a picture of the
flag we used various segments of other U.S. flags. This flag was used at
our event in Weatherford. |
Reproduction of
Battle Damaged U.S. National Flag

This is a generic flag used at Jefferson and at our own event in
National Reproduction |
This a reproduction of a Confederate Stars and Bars or the 1st National.
This is the first flag the 9th carried as a battalion.
National - Texas
This flag is now complete and was carried at Prairie Grove in 2000. This
flag was taken from a similar flag from Virginia. It contains a single
star with TEXAS surrounding the star.
National Reproduction (silk) |

Silk reproduction of an early 1st National. This flag has been carried
in several parades and at the Raymond event in 1998.
National Reproduction

(Victory or Death) This is Col. Mark Griffin's headquarters flag and was carried at the Pea
Ridge event.
Pattern Flag

This was the 1st flag carried by the new Red River battalion. Carried at
Nashville '95 and almost wore out the Color Sgts. arms.
of a late Hardee Flag |

Due to the bad dyes the blue faded to a pea green. This flag has been
carried at parades and at the '99 Weatherford event.
2nd Pattern Bragg

This reproduction flag was carried by the 9th at the Chickamauga event
on Sunday. The original flag now resides in Richmond.
Flag |

This is the 1st Flag the 9th carried as a galvanized unit at the Raymond
event. This flag was carried Sunday. The stars were embroidered by Cindy
of a Van Dorn Flag

This flag has not been carried by the 9th as to date, but has been used
in recruiting events.
Van Dorn

This flag was carried by the 9th at our Weatherford event in '99. This
flag has also been carried at various parades.
Color Sgts of the 9th Texas
Shiloh: Phillip Mayo Speairs
Perryville to the Atlanta campaign: Festus O. Conner
Siege & Jonesboro: Ensign Ben Milam (wounded and disabled)
and Charles B. Douglass (POW & died of wounds)
Battle of Nashville: Festus O. Conner
Milam was Ordnance Sgt. of the regiment, and appointed
Ensign in April, '64, when the Confederate Congress established the
rank. Strange that Conner never received it. Conner's service record
noted he was flag-bearer on two different musters; his obituary says
that he was flag-bearer at Nashville.